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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Other Historical Memorabilia
United Nations Conference Closing Program 6/26/1945
(click to enlarge)

united nations conference on international organization, closing plenary session, program. note this item is not the ratified united nations, but the conference held in san Francisco in april-june 1945 where 50 nations got together to write the united nations charter and other formation issues. the item includes the remarks of the u.s. delegation, by Edward Stettinius, and representatives from china, united kingdom, france, Czechoslovakia, Saudi Arabia, union of south Africa, ussr, and the address by president harry s. Truman. on October 24, 1945 the united nations came into being when 29 nations ratified the charter of the san Francisco meetings. item is in good condition.

$ 150.00
Item # : 145258 Box # : 999031
Shipping From: 1018 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Shipping Policy: See item description
Payments Accepted via: See Item Description

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