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Collectibles -> Comics -> Bronze Age (1970-83) -> Horror & Sci-Fi - page 2
Heavy Metal!10/77 Garage,CecilySnow,WhiteNigh
Heavy Metal!10/77 Garage,CecilySnow,WhiteNigh $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!11/81Mudwog,Humus,Tex Arcana!
Heavy Metal!11/81Mudwog,Humus,Tex Arcana! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!12/79 Santa vs SPIDER,Gnomes!
Heavy Metal!12/79 Santa vs SPIDER,Gnomes! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!2/78 Diabolical Planet,Venus,More
Heavy Metal!2/78 Diabolical Planet,Venus,More $ 15.00
[image not available]
Heavy Metal!2/80 Circus,Buried Music,More! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!3/81 What is Reality?Edward inLov
Heavy Metal!3/81 What is Reality?Edward inLov $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!4/77 Sunpot,Den,Rut,Selenia!
Heavy Metal!4/77 Sunpot,Den,Rut,Selenia! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!4/78-Ozone Alley,Cerebellum,More!
Heavy Metal!4/78-Ozone Alley,Cerebellum,More! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!5/81 Valentina, 1:09,Immortality!
Heavy Metal!5/81 Valentina, 1:09,Immortality! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!5/82 Exiled,Sixteen and Vanilla!
Heavy Metal!5/82 Exiled,Sixteen and Vanilla! $ 15.00
Heavy Metal!7/78 Q Claf, Barbarella,Orion!
Heavy Metal!7/78 Q Claf, Barbarella,Orion! $ 15.00
Horror Tales Comics- 12/1972- Bronze Age Horror
Horror Tales Comics- 12/1972- Bronze Age Horror $ 15.00
Nightmare 8/1972- Magazine Comic- Horror Fantasy
Nightmare 8/1972- Magazine Comic- Horror Fantasy $ 15.00
Nightmare Comics 8/1972- Bronze Age Magazine Type
Nightmare Comics 8/1972- Bronze Age Magazine Type $ 15.00
Questar-12/80 Tribute to Giger,Sci Fi vs TV!
Questar-12/80 Tribute to Giger,Sci Fi vs TV! $ 15.00
Questar-No.3 From March-Lord of the Rings!
Questar-No.3 From March-Lord of the Rings! $ 15.00
Savage Tales #10-  5/1975- Ka-Zar-Cover by Boris
Savage Tales #10- 5/1975- Ka-Zar-Cover by Boris $ 15.00
Savage Tales #8- 1/ 1974- Ka-Zar-Cover Steve Fabian
Savage Tales #8- 1/ 1974- Ka-Zar-Cover Steve Fabian $ 15.00
Sta Quest Comix-10/78 Star Wars Revisted!
Sta Quest Comix-10/78 Star Wars Revisted! $ 15.00
Star Wars "Empire Encounters Comix"
Star Wars "Empire Encounters Comix" $ 15.00
Starstream Comics #4 1976- Isaac Asimov/Poul Anderson
Starstream Comics #4 1976- Isaac Asimov/Poul Anderson $ 15.00

Items 22 - 42 of 48 total (21 per page) - [Show: all 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 items per page]
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